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61 Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 43
Eye wear:
I love the great outdoors and the great indoors, really anything to do with doors. I've been diagnosed with the INTP personality disorder by Dr. Myers-Briggs, and it is highly contagious. I was a legislative assistant and policy advisor to a senior Democratic U.S. Senator in Washington, D.C. Of the thousands of interesting people I met in Washington, President Clinton and The Dalai Lama stand out. Feeling The Dalai Lama's overwhelming humility and powerful tangible transmission of total acceptance, deep unconditional love, joy, and deep peace from 30 yards away was an important unexpected catalyst that touched me deeply, reminding me that there are dimensions of reality and deeper potentials beyond the world of the terribly obvious just waiting to be explored and developed. Now I'm a spiritual post-professional who's outgrown conventional careers and external incentives in favor of authentic meaningful work, right livelihood, and a lifestyle of creative contribution and voluntary simplicity made possible by free agency. The freedom and responsibility to create your own destiny into an open future as a self-employed free agent is awesome. I believe in the power to actualize dreams and to create preferred futures because I’ve done it and I help others do it. INTP, Enneagram 5, and integral/turquoise stage of development symbolized by the centaur which represents body/mind/soul integration, I'd like to meet a fellow centaur, hiking/running partner, yoga buddy, best friend, and lover to share this mysterious journey of life, someone open to exploring the idea that we are ultimately the all-powerful creators of all that we experience, and that realizing this helps us create in a more conscious manner.
67 Albany, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 45
Eye wear:
55 Dallas, Texas, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
Eye wear:
Disclaimer: What you are about to read is theatrical satire, and in no way, shape, or form represent The country of Thailand, or its citizens. This represents some of the FAILED scammer attempts on ThaiCupid website….this is to help “weed out” the good, hard-working, genuine Thai women, from the scammers here on Thai Cupid. Here are the top 10 scam attempts ( soon I will have 20 😂) that I have been told here on ThaiCupid….these exact words, verbatim…from some of the females, or pretending to be here…lol 1. Our water Buffalo is sick, so we can’t farm, can you help? (better call local veterinarian). 2. Please buy me a cell load if you want us to keep talking (I promise not to talk to other guys). Coughcoughbullshitcoughcough… 3. That guy you seen hugging me tightly…he was my cousin….(sure he was…everyone needs a kissing cousin). 4. You are the only guy I am talking to now (until she reads the next email). 5. I have never worked in a bar/I was late because of bad traffic (lol). 6. Yes, send me the money for plane ticket, visa, and passport, and I will immediately move to your country ( yeah, I am sure she will get right on that—total refund if visa denied). 7. I always stand on the balcony with the door closed, and speak English to my friends. ( please put on speaker so we can all hear is Aussie or UK accent) 8. I am an expert day trader in cryptocurrency, and I have a great opportunity for you! ( please explain the ethereum blockchain?— immediately quits responding ) 9. Drop an email, because I am rarely here (yeah, being a paid member here, let’s just get to know each other through an email…I guess your little green light steadily on, daily… showing status as online doesn’t mean you are, indeed, online…lol) 10. Because of Covid, I lost my job…everything bad here, please help…not a food basket, or other nice things…please send cash ( I rest my case…lol) Now on to more serious: College educated, honest, family oriented, nice, respectful, passionate and loving, hard-working man. I Love outdoor activities, fitness, and sports. Hobbies include: Fishing, music, movies, camping, hiking, working out/weight training, reading, watching football, playing poker, and playing guitar (classical and spanish)
54 Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 70
Eye wear:

