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Masters Degree

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66 Woodstock, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female
Education: Masters Degree
I believe in Communication and see where it leads us. Please do not ask me for promisses and planning our future before we even know each other. After talking to people on this site, I can say they fit in 3 categories: 1. The one desperate for marriage she is chatting with anyone. She talks to many and cares of none. Incapable of love, she hunts for security protection insurance and companionship. Why would she target marriage when most come here from failed marriages. Definition of insanity: Keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. 2. Another kind of woman is focusing on one man. She is genuinely interested to know him and understand him. She is focused on love more than anything. She understands what the real purpose is. I would like to talk to such a woman. 3. Strangely enough, there's another group of creatures who claim to be in Catgory 2 but actually belong to Category 1 (!?). These are the perfect liars. They lie so good that they actually believe they are sincere and totally believe their own lies. Strange creatures. Which one are you? Many say the word love, but don't know what love is, it is not convenience security companionship or insurance... love shows the true character of a person... when you love somebody you are able to go through water and fire for that person.. especially when times are tough.. You also need to learn his love language same as he needs to learn yours as well. If you do not understand your man's love language you will end up separated after the euphoric "falling in love" period. That time will end at some point, it always ends. However, if you understand his love language and he understands yours then both can keep the fire alive and be happy for life. Falling in love is easy, staying in love needs work and learning, knowledge, patience. You need to educate yourself in that area if you want to have a happy long term relationship with a man.
47 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 36 - 42
Education: Masters Degree
51 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 21 - 42
Education: Masters Degree
42 Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
Education: Masters Degree
55 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 45
Education: Masters Degree

